Wednesday, September 05, 2007

To answer your question Soldier, I am on such a high right now, I can't even describe it. My heart is full with many currents of emotions. I awoke this morning feeling as if I could fly. My morning has been filled with praise. For some reason all of my songs this morning were about Gods protection and his promise to keep and sustain me. They just flowed one into another. Once again, is is difficult to describe. There is such a peace in my body amidst the struggle and rush to prepare. I believe that God is going to move on this trip and in my project in such a way that I will never be the same. Therefore I praise Him for his works and constant watch and protection on my mind and life. A grand Hallelujah is in order.


Blogger Soldier said...

Amen my brother...

11:12 AM  

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