Monday, September 10, 2007

Here is a safe sex ad in Cape Town, South Africa. It is great to see that the word is getting around, no matter how funny the concept. This is an ad in the community where I placed to work. The area is very heavily populated, yet the HIV/Aids rate is an unbelievable high. In this community the rate is at 33% infected with the disease. It will only spread more if there is not more advocacy done to make the people feel that it is important to think about safe sex to be around for their kids.

It is interesting to note that children, here in Cape Town and surrounding areas, as young as 9 yrs old are often abandoned, forced to live alone when a parent or both parents pass from the disease.

More to come...


Blogger Bougie Black Boy said...

Love what you're doing here. Thought you were writing up on the other blog, but i see most of it is here on this one.

6:33 AM  
Blogger Promiscuous X said...

D im am so mad at that poster (AD) lol Look at the nuts on that one lol. Okay on a serious note I jope all is well.

11:12 AM  
Blogger Ty said...

It is great that they make it to appeal to the children. Plant that seed as young as possible. Now on the joke side, the testicles are kind of funny being that hairy. lol

11:33 AM  

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